News - What are the methods to improve the rolling accuracy of cemented carbide rolls?

What are the methods to improve the rolling accuracy of cemented carbide rolls?

1. Uniform and suitable temperature
2. The adjustment worker can skillfully and accurately adjust the rolling mill,
3. Improve the processing accuracy of cemented carbide roll
4. Correctly choose rolling speed:
5. Improve the wear resistance of carbide roll and guides!
6. Improve the on-site operation level. The precision of the rolling mill has a great relationship with the materials being processed. The hardness, strength, plasticity and other factors of the materials will affect the processing effect of the rolling mill. Therefore, before rolling processing, it is necessary to select the appropriate material and have a comprehensive understanding of its performance indicators. For high-precision rolled products, it is recommended to use high-quality materials for processing, such as using tungsten carbide roll instead of steel rolls. These materials have the characteristics of high strength, high hardness and good plasticity, which can improve the toughness and durability of the product, thereby improving The accuracy of products processed by rolling mills.


Post time: Mar-24-2024